With this year theme “Support in Education”, 4 topics are presented by renowned speakers which are Providing Quality Education through Private Higher Learning Institutions, Cultivating Well-being in Higher Education and Holistic Student Support as a means for Student Experience. The topics are presented as a series of keynote speeches, hands-on workshops and oral presentations, allowing participants to gain valuable hints and tips to enhance their own teaching and learning delivery, education research and to provide opportunities for networking.
Malaysia as one of the leading hubs for higher education in Malaysia and in parallel with EduCity Iskandar’s objective which is to promote Malaysia as a centre of educational excellence in the world, 2nd EduCity Educators Conference 2019 speaks volume. This year is the result of last year inaugural EduCity Educators Conference which aims to introduce delegates to new approaches in teaching and learning, as well as equipping delegates with the tools needed to perform world-class research on teaching and learning approaches hence, Support in Education.
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During the Opening Keynote Address, Yang Berusaha Dr. Zubaidah Aman, Director of the Private Higher Education Governance Division, Minister of Education on behalf of Yg Bhg Dato’ Prof Ir. Dr. Mohd Saleh Jaafar, Deputy Director of General Higher Education said, “The theme of this year’s conference, "Support in Education", encompasses pastoral support, academic, employability and study skills support for students, and research, training and physiological support for staff. This event will include keynote speeches, workshops, networking discussions and the chance for delegates to present any of their research or areas of interest relating to this theme”. She added, “The real meaning of Support Education which is a 360 degrees of educating students and providing staff with the right medium of teaching. This is essential for both student and staff to have the same objective which is creating a holistic student with the right attitude & aptitude and determine the altitude. At the end of the day, student must have the key ingredient of “employable” skills. We learn from each other. We support one another. We evolve and transform to be better. Therefore, we need each other in order to fit today’s theme - Support in Education”.
Currently, EduCity Iskandar has 9 institutions which are Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia, University of Southampton Malaysia, Multimedia University, University of Reading Malaysia, Netherlands Maritime Institute of Technology, Raffles University, Marlborough College Malaysia, Raffles American School and Management Development Institute of Singapore.
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